
Project Scope

Project scopes

The goal of the Minnesota Statewide Speed Limit Vision Project was to develop a consistent and unified vision related to speed limits supported by cities, counties, special interests, public safety and enforcement. The project included a literature search, input from technical advisory and transportation user groups, and the development of a vision for speed limits on local roads in Minnesota.

Objectives of the project included:

–  Document national approaches to setting speed limits

–  Review Minnesota speed limit history and laws

–  Gather input from technical and user groups

–  Evaluate approaches to setting speed limits

–  Define a supported and unified vision



What the project did.

–  Convened and facilitated a statewide conversation to guide a consistent system approach to speed limits.

–  Developed a unified vision for speed and speed limits.


What the project didn't do.

–  Did NOT provide guidance for existing statutes.

–  Did not NOT provide tools for cities to change speed limits.

The Statewide Speed Limit Vision is based on Minnesota speed limit history, review of literature for speed limit approaches and impacts, and input from technical and user groups. The task force includes two advisory groups. The Technical Advisory Group (TAG) is a collection of state, county, and municipal professionals with involvement in transportation planning, engineering, or other technical aspect. The Transportation Users Group (TUG) is a diverse group of people representing transit users, pedestrians, bicyclists, public health, law enforcement, 55+ adults, and mobility-impaired populations. Download the project advisory groups participant table (PDF).

Project timeline